The Director of Al Ain Police Directorate granted employee Ta’ebah Al Der’i a surprise honoring in her office, in recognition of her excellent performance. This gesture falls in line with the efforts to encourage employees to show excellence and creativity.

Colonel Mohammed Suhail Al Rashidi, Director of the Al Ain Police Directorate, gifted the honored employee with a “book”. “The book is a modest but valuable gift, which emphasizes the importance of culture to consolidate excellence,” he said. Moreover, Colonel Al Rashidi expressed his heartfelt thanks to Al Der’i for her professional discipline and excellence and for carrying out the tasks entrusted to her meticulously and diligently. He also urged her colleagues to follow in her steps, to exert further dedicated efforts and to work hand in hand to achieve the desired objectives.

This visit falls in line with the initiative titled “Al Ain Police Reads”, which was initiated in response to the “2016 Year of Reading” initiative that was launched by Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE. It is also part of a set of activities organized by Abu Dhabi Police to encourage the culture of reading and knowledge amongst staff members, to boost their intellectual and cultural level in a way that supports their skills, capabilities, and the level of police work.

Al Der’i extended her thanks and appreciation for the directorate, and her pride to receive such a valuable gift, which reflects the attention dedicated by the directorate to disseminate knowledge as the best way to develop work. Moreover, she said that this accolade is an incentive for her to exert further efforts.
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