The Vehicles and Drivers Licensing Department at Abu Dhabi Police organized an awareness campaign titled “Exercise to Optimize your Health” in cooperation with Healthpoint Hospital. The campaign aims to encourage the Department’s staff members and customers to adopt safe and healthy practices to preserve and strengthen the spinal column and avoid spinal cord injuries.
Brigadier Mohamed Mayouf Al Ketbi, Head of Vehicles and Drivers Licensing Department at Abu Dhabi Police, stressed the commitment of Abu Dhabi Police, as a part of their strategy, to enhance health awareness to preserve the health and safety of staff members and the public, and to encourage them to adopt healthy and safe practices to maintain their health.
The “Exercise to optimize your Health” campaign called upon individuals to make it a habit to take the stairs rather than the elevator as an exercise to gain true health benefits and enjoy an active life. Doctors explained the healthiest way to sit and the right posture to adopt, and stressed the need to exercise regularly.